Le camping propose 92 emplacements avec ou sans électricité pouvant accueillir tentes, caravanes et camping-cars sans obligation de réservation.
2025 season opening
april 4th to september 30th
Tél : +33 (0)4 86 62 00 26 -- Email : Contact us
Le camping propose 92 emplacements avec ou sans électricité pouvant accueillir tentes, caravanes et camping-cars sans obligation de réservation.
2025 season opening
april 4th to september 30th
Download full rules
To be admitted to enter, to settle, and to stay on the campsite, it is necessary to have been authorized by the manager or his representative (the person in charge of the reception office). The manager or his representative are obliged to ensure that the campsite is kept in good order and that the present internal regulations are respected. The fact of staying on the campsite implies the acceptance of the provisions of these rules and the commitment to comply with them. No one may take up residence on the campsite. The municipal campsite is classified as a 2-star campsite. The amount of the fees is fixed each year by the Municipal Council.
Any person having to stay at least one night in the campsite must, beforehand, present to the manager or his representative his identity papers and fill the formalities required by the police. Minors who are not accompanied by their parents will not be admitted to the campsite.
The vehicle, tent, caravan or camper and all related equipment must be installed in accordance with the instructions given by the manager or representative.
It is open from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, unless otherwise indicated at the reception desk (low season). At the reception desk you will find all the information about the services of the campground, information about the possibilities of refreshment, sports facilities, tourist attractions in the surroundings and various addresses that may be useful. A complaints book (or a special box for complaints) is at the disposal of the users. Complaints will only be taken into consideration if they are signed, dated, as precise as possible and relate to relatively recent events.
5- FEES :
The fees are paid at the reception desk. Their amount is posted at the entrance of the campsite and at the reception desk. They are due according to the number of nights spent at the campsite. The pitch must be vacated before 12:00 on the day of departure. Reservations will be valid until 12:00 am the day after the planned day of arrival, unless a delay is duly reported.
Clients are invited to inform the reception office of their departure the day before. Clients intending to leave before the opening time of the reception office must pay for their stay the day before.
The users of the campsite are urged to avoid any noise and discussions that could disturb their neighbors. Sound equipment must be adjusted accordingly. Doors and trunks must be closed as quietly as possible. Silence must be maintained from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Failure to comply with this clause will result in immediate exclusion.
After being authorized by the manager or his representative, visitors may be admitted to the campsite under the responsibility of the campers who receive them. The camper can receive one or more visitors after appreciation of the manager or his representative. The cars of the visitors are forbidden in the campsite.
Inside the campsite, vehicles must drive at a speed limit of 10 km/h. Traffic is forbidden between 10 pm and 7 am. Only vehicles belonging to campers staying at the campsite may circulate within the campsite. Parking is strictly forbidden on the sites usually occupied by camping shelters and must not hinder traffic or prevent the installation of new arrivals.
It is forbidden to throw polluted water on the ground or in the gutters. Caravanners and motor-home owners must empty their waste water into the facilities provided for this purpose. Household garbage, waste of any kind, papers, must be deposited in the containers provided. Everyone is required to refrain from any action that could harm the cleanliness, hygiene and appearance of the campsite and its facilities, especially sanitary facilities. The washing of vehicles is forbidden on the site. The washing of clothes is forbidden outside the bins provided for this purpose. The hanging of laundry will be tolerated until 10 am near the shelters (tents, caravans, ...), provided that it is very discreet and does not disturb the neighbors. Plantations and floral decorations must be respected. It is forbidden for campers to put nails in the trees, to cut branches, to make plantations. It is also forbidden to mark out the location of an installation by personal means, nor to dig the ground. Any damage to the vegetation, fences, soil or installations of the campsite will be charged to the person responsible. The site used during the stay must be maintained in the same condition as the client found it on arrival.
4.a) Fire: Open fires (wood, coal, etc...) are strictly forbidden. Stoves must be kept in good working order and not be used in dangerous conditions. Gas barbecues are allowed without disturbing the neighbors. In case of fire, the receptionist must be notified immediately. Fire extinguishers are used when necessary. A first aid kit is available at the reception desk.
4.b) Theft: The management is responsible for the objects left at the office and has a general obligation to supervise the campsite. The camper is responsible for his or her own facility and must report any suspicious person to the manager. Although security is provided, campground users are asked to take the usual precautions for the protection of their equipment.
No violent or disruptive games may be played near the facilities. Children must always be under the supervision of their parents. We remind you that our playgrounds are intended for children and some games for small children. Please ensure that the games provided are used properly.
It is not allowed to leave unoccupied equipment on the site, only after the agreement of the campsite manager and only at the location indicated. A fee is due for the dead garage.
The present rules are posted in French and English at the reception desk and in the sanitary building. Any inappropriate behavior, lack of respect or courtesy towards clients, residents or staff will result in an immediate ban from the campsite.
In the case where a resident would disturb the stay of the other users or would not respect the provisions of the present rules of procedure, the manager or his representative will be able orally or in writing if he considers it necessary, to put in residence this last one to cease the disorders. In case of serious or repeated infringement of the internal regulations and after formal notice by the manager to comply, the offender will be asked to leave the campsite. In case of criminal offence, the manager can call the police.
1- Swimming :
Swimming in the Verdon river is forbidden by municipal decree n°26 of 16/08/1994.
2- Payment of fees :
For stays longer than three weeks, the payment of the fees may be required within a week. In case a user, who has not paid his fees, disappears from the site and leaves his installation, after the time necessary for research, the municipal service will proceed to the removal and storage of this installation, at the owner's expense. The normal fees are applied to any camper installed on the site and leaving the same day in the case of recurrence.
3- Animals:
Dogs, cats and other domestic carnivores, with the exception of categories 1 and 2, may only be admitted upon presentation of a valid rabies certificate indicating the animal's identification number. Dogs and other animals must never be left at large. They must not be left on the campsite, even locked up, in the absence of their owners who are civilly responsible for them. They will not be allowed in the sanitary facilities. Their owners must take particular care to prevent or clean up any "soiling". Hygiene walks and needs are done outside the campsite (not on the parking lot either). Please pick up after your pets.
4- 2 star campsite :
Pitch delimited to about 90 m2 Sanitary group with showers and hot water Sinks for dishes, washing machines Electrical connection 6 Am-pères.
5- The "Ready to Camp" Pack
5a) The lessor proposes to the lessee who agrees to rent him a pack "Ready to Camp" for four people which is installed at the campsite.
5b)An inventory of fixtures will be established at the beginning and at the end of the stay between the lessor and the tenant. The tenant will be held responsible for any damage he/she may have caused and will be required to return all rented equipment in a clean condition. A deposit of 150€ (one hundred and fifty euros) is required at the time of the inventory of fixtures. Damaged equipment will be invoiced at the purchase price, by deduction from the deposit. If the deposit is not sufficient, the tenant agrees to pay the additional amount. The deposit will be returned once the inventory of fixtures has been signed by both parties.
5c)The rental period starts at 3:30 pm on the day of arrival and ends at 11:30 am on the day of departure. In case of departure after 11:30 am, an additional night will be charged.
5d)Pets are allowed in the campsite but not in the tents of the pack.
5e)Smoking in the tents is strictly prohibited.
6- Telephone:
The office phone is strictly for service. It can only be used to receive urgent messages that will be transmitted to you by the janitor.
7- Markets :
LA PALUD SUR VERDON: Sunday morning CASTELLANE: Wednesday morning and Saturday morning RIEZ: Wednesday morning and Saturday morning
8- Visitor vehicles:
A parking lot is reserved for this purpose at the entrance of the camp-ping.